Czímeres Pálinka private production
From January 2021 the products of hired destillation for private use is duty-free.
We use one of the most technologically advanced distillation units for fully aromatic spirits, made by the internationally acclaimed German manufacturer, Muller for our own products, as well as offering a service of private –or commercial- destillation using own fruit and mash. As our pot has a capacity of 220 litres, please note that due to technical requirements we can only offer our services for a quantity in excess of 100 litres.
Each batch of mash is handled seperately, after the fermentation, followed by the destillation process we set the desired strengh after filtering.
Distillery services for private consumption
Pot fee: gross 10.000 HUF (for up to 220 litres)
HLF fee : gross 2.000 HUF / unit
Production, storing, handling mash: HUF 70 / liter
Filtering: 3.000 HUF / occasion
Bottling: from 600 HUF/pcs
Payable by bank card or cash